Friday, February 17, 2012

Trust is a Beautiful Thing

It was such a gorgeous morning out riding the equine love of my life. Launi (officially known as DreamCatcher Rabulaun) was on his best behavior, which was quite a treat. Usually the big BRAT is constantly looking for ways to challenge me. I'm sure his mission in life is to keep me on my toes. Ha! Today we rode my favorite local trail, which includes quite a bit of hillwork. Trotting to the top of Sycamore Hill I was happy to be able to ride on a semi-loose rein (a totally loose rein on a young horse, especially Launi, is NOT a smart thing). On our last ride Launi was a handful & my shoulders felt it for days. Up & over Sycamore Hill we went, enjoying the nice weather & great trail. Launi was being so good I decided to risk trotting him on the flat. Until today I've avoided flat trotting because a certain big BRAT likes to blow up, shake his head (almost pulling me off), & recently he's added bucking to his arsenal. What a glorious day. We trotted at an easy pace for 1-2 miles, only walking through the mud & puddles. We trotted along the old railroad grade, just above the river. A fisherman waved as he went by in his boat. Hawks were soaring above us. Finally we came to the railroad tunnel, used years ago in the construction of the dam. There are lights if you push the button. After a few attempts at getting Launi close enough to the button, I realized he was too tall even if we got close enough. Instead of getting off & pushing the button, I decided to see what would happen if we just rode into the dark. Once we were 1/2 way through the tunnel I couldn't have seen my hand even if I'd been touching my nose. It was very disorienting. At one point I couldn't tell if we were going forward, backing up, or turning around. It took a moment to realize I couldn't hear hoof beats so knew we were standing still. I asked Launi to move forward & he cautiously walked on. I knew there were ditches on either side of the road/tunnel but couldn't tell if we were centered on the trail or not. I just kept hoping Launi wouldn't slip off & spook. Slowly we walked through the dark. Then finally a small spot of light became visible. Then I could see Launi's ears focused on the light. He walked faster & at last we exited the tunnel. I was so proud of my Launi. He had total trust in me to get him through safely, & I was trusting him to take care of me. I made Launi a promise today. I promised him that I would never betray his trust in me & that I will keep him safe. Trust is a beautiful thing between horse & rider.