Sunday, July 29, 2012

Patience Isn't Launi's Virtue

Yesterday was quite an adventure.  A friend had talked me into taking Launi to a Competitively Judged Trail Trial.  WHY I agreed to go I'm not quite sure.  I'd convinced myself it'd be such a great, calm environment for Launi to learn patients & the art of walking in group rides.  Yeah right!

 Kim & I arrived at base camp around 1pm.  Her horse, Boo, & Launi travelled well together.  We set up our area & then I went for a short ride.  Launi was a bit "on his toes" but nothing too unsettling.  It was another hour before our ride started & in the mean time Launi hung out at the trailer.  He was quite fascinated by the mule next to him.  His ears perked every time the mule HEE HAWed.  And when the mule rode off, he called for him to come back.  Maybe it was because the mule was Launi's size, or maybe his voice was deep like Launi's.  Whatever it was, Launi likes mules.

Riders were put into groups by start time.  Kim & I were with 3 other people, 1 of which she knew.  I wasn't exactly happy about the groupings because I had expected to ride individually.  Launi & I were riding in the NON-judged category.  Why pay to be judged when Launi has NO experience with obstacles?  Obstacle #1 was the Birthday Party:  a narrow path between balloons, toys, packages, umbrellas, & the judge sitting in a canopied chair.  Very slowly, one step at a time, Launi negotiated through the Birthday Party.  Woohoooooo!  Awesome!  Obstacle #2 was a series of step-over logs into a downhill facing "box" of logs.  The object was to back uphill out of the box.  Again very slowly & carefully, Launi completed the obstacle.  I was pretty pleased.  Obstacle #3 was a log drag around a pair of porta-potties.  I screwed this one up by taking the rope in my right hand & approaching the porta-potties going to the left.  No way were we getting around without tangling in the rope so I made a right turn & just drug the log in a circle to prove that Launi could drag a log.  SOOOO proud of Launi.  The bridge obstacle was a no-brainer since we have bridges on our local trails.  We didn't attempt the gate obstacle but we did ride up & stop facing parallel to it.  There was a lot of wait time & standing around while everyone in the group worked an obstacle.  Up until now Launi'd been very good, but he was losing patience.  He started to fidget & refused stand, tossing his head & pulling to go.  We were also dealing with a very novice rider who couldn't keep his horse from galloping up behind us.  Grrrrr.....  Next we started up hill & I told our group we were walking, just as one rider took off with a few lope strides & then trotting.  The novice rider's horse loped into Kim's mare, setting her into a frenzy, &  Launi started throwing a temper tantrum.  He almost launched me & I could feel my butt leaving the saddle.  How I landed back in the saddle I'll never know.  A little further he bucked again & all I could do was turn him tightly, spinning downhill.  I'd had enough & was NOT going to continue in our group.  We were off course & I was all for just heading to the trailer.  We met up with the first group & found our way again, heading to the next obstacle in reverse.  It almost turned into a disaster.  It was a steep downhill into a little ravine & immediately up a steep hill.  Launi had NO focus & reared as he started uphill, hitting me in the face.  Another tight circle gave me some control.  Circling facing downhill is a "pit of the stomach" kind of feeling.  Finally we were at the last obstacle & back in camp.  Launi & I managed to complete 9 of the 10 obstacles to my satisfaction.  I modified a couple of them to Launi's level & he did as I asked.

While the experience & exposure were great for Launi, remind me to NEVER go to another event put on by this organization.  The trail wasn't marked & it was mostly just cutting cross country with no trails.  It was hours before dinner was served.  The awards were long & drawn out with the announcer centering everything around herself.  How can an event manager, who decides the obstacles, compete in her own event?  The organization, or lack thereof, left me shaking my head.

After dropping Kim & Boo off, we got home at 11pm.  A VERY long day.  All in all I'm very proud of Launi, with the exception of the bucking & rearing incidents.  There's more homework to be done before his next public outing.   

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