Monday, September 3, 2012

Once In A Blue Moon

The blue moon is a rare event that has marked significant events throughout history.  Once in a blue moon a special horse will come to you & fill a space in your heart.  For me that horse was Rabu Farwa, affectionately known as Pip.

A grandson of two greats, Abu Farwa & Aurab, he had a wonderful old pedigree that most people will never have the opportunity to behold.  While short in stature he was a giant of a horse.  I had long looked for an Abu Farwa grandson (all the Ab sons were gone) to breed to my CMK mares.  After 8 long years of looking, I met Pip's owner Pat on-line.  What a wealth of knowledge Pat has proven to be, as well as a mentor & friend.  In 2004 Pip came to live me on a lease.  My hopes & expectations were high.

No matter the planning, things don't always go as planned.  With 4 mares in foal to Pip for 2005, I was excited & anxiously awaiting for spring.  In an unfortunate turn of events, the senior Pip had gone infertile so his 2005 foals would be his legacy.  When it came time for spring vaccinations, the mares were given West Nile Virus shots.  Within hours tragedy struck.  Three of the mares, the least far along in pregnancy, lost their foals.  The 4th mare was FV Farrubi who was 9 months pregnant.  Within hours she too showed signs of aborting her foal.  With the help of many knowledgeable breeders & my wonderful vet, we managed to get Rubi to hang onto her foal for another 30 days.  She was still a whole month early when she presented me with a premature colt.

Rabu Farwa's son, DreamCatcher Rabulaun aka Launi, was huge even though he was a preemie.  Born with no suckle reflex & a number of other preemie problems, I was determined not to lose Pip's legacy.  All the work & vet bills that went into Pip's son was more than worth it.  Seven years later I have the horse love of my life.  I also have 2 Pip granddaughters from before Launi was gelded.  Pip's legacy will carry on.

On August 31st 2012, on the night of the blue moon, a giant of a horse passed.  Pip's passing has left a hole in a few hearts that will never be filled.  I'm so blessed to have shared a short time in Pip's life.  Once in a blue moon a special horse came into my life.  Once in a blue moon Rabu Farwa ran free.        

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely tribute to our beloved boy... for me he really was a "once in a blue moon" horse, a stallion who had the most wonderful, affectionate personality and who sired to his pedigree more than to himself. I miss him so much.

    I'm so glad you have Launi and his daughters to carry on. The daughter I have is now 19 and will likely be my last horse. She descends on both sides from my 2 original foundation mares and has the full personalities of both, as well as the wonderful common sense of her dad. Sad to say she has never had a foal... maybe it was meant to be.

    Thank you, my friend, and may you ride long and far with our delightful "Moose Baby."



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