Friday, October 16, 2009

A Great Horse Day

Sometimes it's not a specific horse that touches us, but all the horses in our life at any given time. Today was a day when not a single horse touch me. Today was a day when all my horses touched me, lifting the cloud of melancholy that has filled the week.

Today was a mental health day. I stayed home from work with the sole thought of having a "Horse Day". I planned to do nothing other than spend time with my horses. I wasn't going to fix fence, prune bushes, rake leaves, or anything else that wasn't horse related. It had been a long time since I had taken a "Horse Day", so I woke in the morning looking forward to the day. My horses didn't disappoint me. And neither did the gorgeous weather.

I did do some work, like buying & unloading feed, rolling leg wraps, & cleaning the trailer. These didn't count as work though because they were completely horse related. Once I had the horse chores done, I decided to spend time with my 3 weanlings. Quite a while was spent brushing & scratching & being mobbed by the little darlings. They then followed me into a stall so I decided it was time to halter break the youngest, Mariyyah. I had managed to get the halter on her previously but it was a battle. She's been an extremely sensitive & explosive filly so I try to give her a lot of space & time. I was prepared for her usual theatrics but did she ever surprise me. The halter went on with only the slightest disagreement. She then let me move her around as if she was at the same halter level as the two other weanlings. She picked up her feet like an old pro. I wormed all 3 fillies. Then I brought out the cordless clippers. I only intended to sit in the stall & let them hear the buzzing. Carli investigated but didn't get too close. She did let me rub the running clippers over her back & up her neck. I even managed to get 1/2 a bridle path done before she started shaking her head. Ari, who I thought would have no problem with the clippers, wanted no part of the buzzing monster. She stayed at the other end of the stall, giving me the evil eye. Mariyyah is the one who surprised me. I knew she'd hide at the other side of the stall & not come anywhere near the clippers. I was wrong. She was the first to investigate, coming up until she bumped the clippers, shaving off a few whiskers. I rubbed the clippers all over her & she's sporting a very nice bridle path. The clippers seemed to fascinate her & she never did move off until the battery ran dead. Mariyyah made my morning. It was her day for a break through.

After a wonderful morning with the weanlings, I decided I was going to ride my 4 yr old stallion. It would be his 3rd time under saddle. I lunged him before tacking him up. He's a very mouthy horse & I'm tired of him biting the lead rope & reins. A few days ago I had gone through Taco Bell & brought home some of their fiery sauce just for Launi. I painted the ends of his lead & reins with fiery sauce. Boy did he get a surprise. He had the funniest look on his face, screwed up like someone biting into a lemon. Then he kept trying to spit the sauce out of his mouth. Maybe I'll let Taco Bell know there's a new use for their sauce. LOL It took quite some time to finally get into the saddle. Launi is 15.3 1/2 & I'm 5'1" so I use a mounting block. Brat that he is, Launi insisted on trying to knock me off the block (at least he wasn't trying to bite anymore). Every time he misbehaved I sent him round & round the roundpen. At last he decided it was time to behave. He stood like an angel & I was in the saddle. We walked at random with just enough guidance to keep the stirrups from banging the panels. Launi backs really well so we practiced that a couple of times. Today we did a little flexing for the first time with the bit. I was actually riding in a halter with a bridle over top so I could use the lead & reins similar to a double bridle. Launi's not ready to be ridden solely in a bit & today was the first time I asked him to work with the bit. He did really well. I was pleasantly surprised at his willingness to give & flex. Launi can be a bit of challenge & has the attention span of a gnat. Today his gnat brain was on it's best behavior. I hosed him & hand grazed him as a reward. Some days Launi makes me so glad he's mine.

I spent some time brushing Shain, my 7 yr stallion, who is the sweetest horse. He's a love who only wants to be cuddled & pampered. He's still my baby & will come running when I call Baby Shain. He very seldom responds if I just call Shain. He likes to have his head held & will also wrap it around me in a hug. Shain is the horse who fills my heart with love.

I finished my "Horse Day" by walking the pasture with brush in hand to groom my mares. I'm so lucky to have these wonderful horses. They're all so personable, wanting to be with me, following everywhere I go. They lighten my heart & mood & make everything alright.

Today was a great horse day.

1 comment:

  1. My horse day was my Birthday :).... I spent several hours doing horsey chores and playing with Greyson it was packed so I did not have a lot of time but I always make time for Raji too :) :)


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